
Our team regularly shares what we are grateful for, to bring to mind the good in a time when it can be so easy to focus on the hardships we may be dealing with. It can be something simple like a cat snuggle, or a new show to binge watch (that one is popular) or the big stuff we are sure never to take for granted again – like the health of loved ones. After a difficult year, that has not only meant challenges for us, but for our members, partners, and community, we wanted to end the year with a reflection of what we, as an organization, are grateful for.

As a social enterprise non-profit, SWR’s work helps the local business community, and Waterloo region as a whole, become economically and environmentally stronger and therefore, more sustainable. Now more than ever, this work is paramount as we look to build back better. 

We are able to continue this work because of our members who have not only said they are committed to make meaningful change – they are doing it. However, our sponsors, funders and partners also make our work possible, and in the coming year this support will be crucial as our community looks to recover. 

In this three part series, we want to say thank you to those whose support has made our work possible in 2020, and their investment in Waterloo region makes us continually grateful to be part of this amazing community. We start this series with a thank you to our sponsors. 

Our Sponsors – Making the Investment in Sustainability Action

SWR events are something we pride ourselves on, we aim to provide educational, interesting and inspiring content for our members, and our community as well. This year we were not able to gather in any of the beautiful local venues we traditionally host in, including our own home at evolv1, nor could we connect in person over a delicious (vegetarian!) meal. But we could still come together and be educated and inspired so the conversations, the learning and most importantly, the action continue. 

To do this we moved to virtual webinars and workshops, and as result we were able to reach even more, invite truly inspiring guests and create resources that can live online and continue to provide value for our members. We could not have done this without our event sponsors who have demonstrated their commitment to leading our community towards a more resilient and sustainable future. Their support also meant we could also provide most to the local community for free.

If you would like to have your organization recognized alongside sustainability leaders in the business, academia, government and non-profit sectors, please consider becoming a featured sponsor for a 2021 event.Contact funddevelopment@sustainablewaterlooregion.ca and find out how you can join this list of organizations leading the way to build back better!

2020 Sponsors

Our 2020 Event Sponsors included four long time sponsors who have been supporting our work for several years. 

The Co-operators Centre for Business and Sustainability – Presenting Sponsor

Located in the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University, this centre facilitates and coordinates research related to business and environmental sustainability. They do this by enabling communication and connection between researchers and practitioners, including strategic decision makers in the local sustainability community. 

Sun life Financial – Presenting Sponsor

Sun life financial has been part of the Canadian insurance landscape for over 150 years, and they have grown to also offer wealth solutions and customized health programs. They have made building sustainable, healthier communities for life a core purpose, so they may continue to provide long-term value to their Clients, employees, shareholders and communities. They have proven this commitment by being the only Canadian insurance company to earn a place among the 2020 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World.

Farm Mutual Re (FMRP) – Supporting Sponsor

FMRP is a reinsurer with roots in the Canadian agricultural heritage, providing financial stability and insurance capacity as well as expertise in insurance product development, analytics, claims management and loss control. Their values go beyond just building strong, long-lasting relationships, they are committed to supporting work-life balance, healthy choices, life-long learning and green choices to protect our environment.  

Kitchener Utilities – Contributing Sponsor

Kitchener Utilities is one of only two municipally owned and operated natural gas distributors in Ontario – their owners are the taxpayers and as a publicly owned utility, all profits go directly back into benefiting our community. Their programs help support homeowners throughout the Region improve the efficiency of their homes.

TD Bank – Network Sponsorship

As a top 10 North American bank, TD aims to stand out from its peers by having a differentiated brand – anchored in our proven business model, and rooted in a desire to give our customers, communities and colleagues the confidence to thrive in a changing world. Their goal is to be an environmental leader through embedding an environmental perspective in our business strategy.

Our support from TD Bank is through our membership in the Green Economy Canada network.

The Co-operators  – Network Sponsorship

The Co-operators Group Limited is a leading Canadian multi-line insurance and financial services co-operative. Since 2010, they have consistently been ranked among Corporate Knights’ “Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada” and since 2018 they have been recognized as one of “Canada’s Greenest Employers” for effectively creating a culture of environmental awareness and action.

Our support from The Co-operators is through our membership in the Green Economy Canada network.