Monthly Archives: January 2012

Reaping Sustainability’s Brand Benefits

Green grass

So, you’ve already made the decision to commit your organization to improving its operational sustainability. (And if you haven’t, well, why not?) You probably made this decision for the most altruistic of reasons – “It’s the right thing to do!”, or “Preserving the planet so future generations can enjoy the things that we do.” But […]

Laurier gets kudos for its sustainability initiatives in new COU report

Green grass

Laurier’s sustainability initiatives, including an innovative energy management plan, received kudos in a recent report by the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) on “green” practices at 19 Ontario universities. The Ontario Universities: Going Greener Report 2011 outlines nine areas where universities have taken steps to advance sustainability. Among the 19 universities included in the report, Laurier’s programs and practices […]