Monthly Archives: December 2022

Nopak Canada joins the Impact Network

[December 12, 2022] Nopak Canada is Sustainable Waterloo Region’s (SWR) newest member of the Impact Network, joining as an Observing Organization!  As a member, they become connected to an extensive network of like-minded organizations to share and learn best practices. Members in our network have invested in better understanding the impacts of their operations on […]

Research Recap: Harvesting Fog to Produce Fresh Water

With climate change posing a threat to the global supply of freshwater, water scarcity is becoming a growing concern. Moreover, in many areas around that experience drought, the burden often falls on women to travel long distances to access fresh water for themselves and their family. In light of these concerns, researchers are exploring the potential of fog harvesting technology as a key to making drinking water more accessible to rural and isolated communities.

Trees, Trees, and More Trees: A Recap of our 2022 Microforest Planting Project

Over the last several weeks, along with our community partners, we’ve had the incredible opportunity to create microforests at various locations across Waterloo Region to create a vibrant outdoor space for multiple communities for years to come. Read on to learn more about our re-forestation project and a recap of how our community partners have […]