- Have Senior Management lead by example eg. sustainable commuting, attending green team meetings.
- Allocation in the budget – have a budget allocation for green team projects and sustainability focused projects.
- Integrate sustainability into policies – having it written in formal documents reflects the commitment the organisation has.
- Incentivise Formally or Informally – reward the green team/ sustainability champions either with bonuses or with recognition e.g. awards
- Embed it into Courses and Training – if your organisation offers training, integrate sustainability related principles into the training in order to continuously raise awareness and encourage participation.
This morning was well spent listening to Kathryn Cooper share her insight into how organisations can better integrate sustainability into their workforce. She highlighted that a common approach may be for green teams to gain endorsement from upper management, but this may not be fully effective. This is due to change being a difficult step to implement, and sustainability initiatives can make it even more difficult. A study on sustainability efforts showed that only 2% of them were successful while 81% of them were mediocre.
This is the case due to the sustainability related actions being more of a side project or focus, as opposed to a main focus. In order for groups such as green teams to have better success rates, Kathryn outlined some best approaches to consider: