Each year the Regional Carbon Initiative gathers feedback from its members. This comes from events, round tables, one-on-ones and year-end questionnaires. This feedback is key to how the RCI operates and the direction their members feels the program should develop. One piece of feedback that the RCI has noted for a number of years now […]
Tag Archives: social media
As I try to imagine what community consultation might have looked like a few decades ago, tools that come to mind include: telephone trees, posted letters, print advertising, type-written statements, and town-hall meetings to inform and engage community members. Many of these same tools are still in use today, but they are quickly being offset […]
On March 22, we hosted our second annual Evening of Recognition. You can read Mike’s blog about it here so I’m not going to speak too much about the event itself; instead, I’m going to share one of the elements that really stood out for me – the social media buzz that accompanied the event. […]
It is the biggest social networking site of this generation. Boasting over 500 million active users, it’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says the words “social media.” 700 billion minutes are spent browsing the site every month. And yet, before today, you would not find an official Sustainable Waterloo Region presence […]
This past Wednesday, September 22, Sustainable Waterloo Region’s events manager, Helena, and I attended Social Media Breakfast Waterloo Region at the Kitchener Market. The guest speaker, Joe Thornley, spoke about “Building Relationships. Creating Opportunities” within the sphere of social media. I enjoyed attending Social Media Breakfast Waterloo Region and would recommend attending future breakfasts – […]
When we started discussing the possibility of a Sustainable Waterloo Region team blog a few months ago, I was more than a little sceptical. After having suffered under the weight of maintaining a blog for several months in early 2009 – while under some acute time pressure to lead the team towards launching the Regional Carbon Initiative before the summer of that year – I knew of how a blog can quickly become “that-thing-you-know-you-should-do-but-always-have-something-more-important-on-the-list”. On top of this, I’m keenly aware of the excess of blogs already at all of our fingertips, the reality that this growth is sputtering in lieu of other social media tools, and the simple truth that without relevancy and crisp insight, there is little point to even starting.
But over the past few months, not only have I been convinced (a) that this is a valuable addition to how our team communicates with the community and (b) that this will directly help us achieve our mission, but I’m even more importantly, I’m genuinely excited about being a part of it.