The Sustainable Waterloo Region network has some pretty incredible people in it, and that includes the amazing folks on our board of directors. While none of the SWR core team was able to attend COP21, we were represented there by one of our board members, Ian Rowlands. For those of you that may not have […]
Tag Archives: collaboration
On Tuesday October 14, we got together with a number of other environmentally focused not-for-profits to host an election event that focused on sustainability. This event brought together over 40 candidates from across Waterloo Region to talk about their stance on environmental issues and connect with residents who are concerned with the same issues. We […]
Have you ever started something and vastly underestimated how much impact it would eventually have? Maybe it’s a casual first date that becomes a life partner, a lecture that grows to be a sweeping passion, or a few wistful lines that transform into an autobiography. For me, it has been the journey over the past […]
As the winter season winds down, you may find yourself questioning if it ever really came in the first place. March 21st will mark the end of what some are calling the winter that never was. There has been a lot of chatter across the country about this unusually warm and variable season, but how does […]
As a social enterprise operating in the tech hub of the Tannery District in downtown Kitchener, it’s easy to see how much our not-for-profit culture clashes with the for-profit business world around us. On the surface, for-profit entrepreneurs build businesses with the ultimate purpose of making money, while social entrepreneurs build their enterprise to impact […]
As my four months of co-op is wrapping up with Sustainable Waterloo Region, I can take a step back and look at what not only the organization has taught me, but what I think I’m taking from it. What I knew from the start was that it takes effort, communication and collaboration from organizations, and […]
Last Wednesday morning, I was a part of a very special event: Niagara Sustainability Initiative’s first Educational Forum. As I excitedly walked up to the registration table at the event, three very pleasant volunteers asked me my name, provided me with a nametag, and followed up this very typical registration process with an unusual, yet […]
Sustainable Waterloo Region has historically been a non-profit focused on service delivery as a means of achieving our mission. Our mission, though it has evolved over the past three years, has always had the word ‘collaborative’ in it. And collaboration has been a core value since the beginning, while continuing to define the organization. Personally, […]