Tag Archives: Co-Op

A Path to Pledging Partnership: Eco-Shift Power

Eco-Shift Power Corp (ESP), a recent Bronze Pledging Partner of the Regional Carbon Initiative (RCI), has announced a 20% GHG reduction commitment. Eco-Shift Power strives to help organisations locally in Waterloo Region and nationally reduce their impact on the environment by taking economically sensible steps to offset their energy consumption.  The main area of energy […]

Communication and Collaboration

Green grass

As my four months of co-op is wrapping up with Sustainable Waterloo Region, I can take a step back and look at what not only the organization has taught me, but what I think I’m taking from it. What I knew from the start was that it takes effort, communication and collaboration from organizations, and […]

From a Classroom to 22 King Street South

Green grass

As a second year in the Environment and Business program at the University of Waterloo, this Sustainable Waterloo Region co-op placement is rather ideal. In the (collective) 12 months I’ve been in the study portion of my program, I have learnt quite a few expressions, concepts and theories that I was told would apply to […]

In the Course of 4 Months

Green grass

Friday was the first snowfall of the winter and I can say the feeling is peculiar. Peculiar because it reminds me that my coop term here at Sustainable Waterloo Region is rapidly coming to an end and the fact that on the way to my first team meeting, I was sweating walking to the office […]

Co-Op Coming to an End

Green grass

I am now facing the last two weeks of my co-op term with Sustainable Waterloo Region and it seems like the last four months have flown by. Since day one I have been busy with various tasks and assignments which thankfully have left no time for willing school to start or the summer to end. […]

Environmental Studies and Business Student Joining SW

Green grass

As a 4th year Environmental Studies and Business student at the University of Waterloo, joining the Sustainable Waterloo Region (SW) team could not have come at a better time for me. Through my co-operative education I have had four other placements, none of which came close to providing me with an experience like the one […]