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for Enviro-Stewards

Professional, scientific and technical services







GHG Reduction




Reduce Greenhouse gas emissions associated with daily operations to remain Climate Positive while assisting others to achieve this benchmark; avoid 500 tonnes of GHG emissions for every tonne of GHG generated by their operations


Help facilities reduce losses throughout their supply chains by aiding them in avoiding at least 20,000 tonnes of GHG emissions per year


Help shift public opinion from relying on waste management & renewables to waste prevention and greater efficiency.

Sustainability Projects


The first Affordable Smart Blue Roof (ASBR) was installed on the roof of EnviroStewards’ head office in Elmira in June 2021. This new form of green infrastructure helps to collect storm water through a pond system that temporarily stores and gradually releases the water, offering a way to conserve water and prevent water related damage. This new installation helps to keep the building cooler during warm weather, water is also treated and stored in a tank for water reuse in the toilets. The ASBR project highlights Enviro-Stewards’ holistic approach to cost-effective and practical solutions to environmental challenges.


Partnered with Project Neutral to host a green impact contest that rewarded the employee with the lowest environmental impact and the employee who reduced their environmental impact the most with grand prizes. 


Enviro-Stewards’ work received Clean50 Top Project Awards for their work with Maple Lodge and Dextran. In the case of Maple Lodge, opportunities for resource conservation identified by Enviro-Stewards totaled $3.44 million per year with an average payback under two years. They were recognized once again as “Best for the World” by B Lab, received an Energy Globe Award for their Safe Water Project, and were the only Canadian company selected for a Global SDG award.


Organics Diversion: Organics collection is newly in place at the Enviro-Stewards office. Coffee grounds are taken by an employee for their composter and the remaining organics are hauled by a contractor.

Rooftop Unit Efficiency: Adjustments were made to the programming which resulted in a reduced usage of energy. The rooftop unit supplies the living wall with rainwater. The living wall has resulted in natural gas savings of 1500 m3 per year and 900 kwh per year.

Bike to Work Challenge: Enviro-Stewards ran a Bike to Work Challenge in the summer of 2017.


Sustainable Building Additions: Enviro-Stewards began harvesting rainwater, as well as reducing potable water consumption and storm water runoff. They also installed a living wall which was connected to their return air duct, allowing a reduction in heating and cooling of air coming from outdoors. A green bin system was also introduced in order to improve waste diversion.


HVAC: Installed a high efficiency air-handling unit that routes air through Enviro-Stewards’ living wall, creating a reduction in both air heating & cooling requirements for the building.

Low- E Windows: Replaced 100 ft. of single pane windows with efficient low-e windows. The replaced windows were reused in office expansion to provide light to internal offices.

Lighting: During their office expansion, Enviro Stewards implemented LED lighting utilizing occupancy sensors and daylight controls throughout the new office space.


Regional Initiatives: Participated in several projects in the region including the East Side Marios Resource Conservation Project & Fisher Canada Stainless Steel Tubing. These initiatives have reduced 46 & 183 tonnes of GHG respectively.

Conservation Service: Enviro-Stewards rolled out their shared savings based utility and waste conservation service. This will help reduce their footprint up to 25% and improve their overall cash flow.

Car Share: Hosting a car-share vehicle (Toyota Prius) in their parking lot to reduce transportation footprints of staff as well as those of local residents who are welcome to use it.


Car Share: Purchased an additional hybrid vehicle that is available to the community which and is stationed outside their head office.


Car Share: Joined the Grand River Car Share Program. Purchased a hybrid vehicle that is available to the community and is stationed outside Enviro-Stewards’ head office.

Lighting: Enviro-Stewards installed lighting controls throughout their office to decrease total power consumption.