Retail trade
Pledging Partner
GHG Reduction Target
Waste Reduction Target
Membership Goals
Increase waste diversion rate
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions associated with daily operations
Sustainability Projects
Diverted 90% of waste. Conestoga mall introduced a green bin program for retailers and food court customers, which allowed them to divert an entire waste stream from landfill. The mall also runs a recycling program for retailers and customers that positively impacts the achievement of their diversion target.
Conestoga Mall continues to work on attaining their 84% Gold waste diversion target by
providing additional training for all staff and tenants on recyclable and compostable materials. Additional staff were also hired over the Christmas holidays to help properly sort their waste. In 2018, they added liquid disposal units to the food court waste receptacles, and staff were treated to a field trip to the Waterloo Waste Management Facility to see what the process is like once waste leaves the property.
Compost Compactor: Installed a compost compactor that will greatly reduce the number of pick-ups and therefore, truck emissions.
Roof Retrofit: Retrofit of roof membrane over all common areas from bitumen to white membrane.
Lighting Replacements: Replaced all interior halogen lamps (770) & HID lights (197) with LED lights. This project resulted in an energy savings of 327, 707 KWH.
Exterior Parking Lot Lighting Retrofit Program: Conestoga Mall completed this 2 year project to replace all the metal halide parking lot pole heads and exterior building mounted lights with LED lighting. The project has resulted in savings of 156,000 kWh electricity, and $28,000 in operating costs each year.
HVAC Rooftop Replacement: Replaced 180 rooftop units with high-efficiency units.
Waste Diversion: Conestoga Mall increased its waste diversion rate from 62% to 70%. As of August, they surpassed their organics recycling numbers from 2012. The amount of waste is equivalent to 68 electric vehicles.
Building Efficiency: Installed motion detectors to save energy when rooms are not in use, replaced LED tubes, increased corridor lighting efficiency, installed a pressure monitor in their food court so that their make up air unit not always running.
Renewable Energy: Bullfrog Power accounts for 64% of their power usage.
Building Efficiency: installed sensors on loading docks to control HVAC, installed building pressure monitor in Food Court for make-up air unit, received BOMA Level 4 certification, installed full building automation systems with multiple light sensors.
First local site to have public EV charging station.