
Events | Community Climate Talks: Let’s Talk About Waste

Thu Nov 30, 7:00pm-8:30pm  | Wilmot Recreation Complex, 1291 Nafziger Road Baden, ON N3A 0C4

Cost: Free

Community Climate Talks: Let’s Talk About Waste!

Join ClimateActionWR as we hosts a series of hybrid workshops in your community to learn about ways to take climate action in your life!

During this community workshop, attendees will get to listen to a variety of guest speakers as we dive into topics such as:

  • What does consumption and waste look like in Waterloo Region?
  • How does our waste impact climate change?
  • What are the gaps in our waste system?
  • What is the future of waste in Waterloo Region?
  • What are the actionable items for individuals?
  • The importance of a circular economy and how it works.

This is a hybrid session. Upon registering, attendees will have the option to register for either in person or virtual attendance*