
The fight against Climate Change is a fight for humanity. It is a fight for justice and equity. It is a fight of hope for the future. 

This week, I read an article that shook me. McLean’s did a feature on Canada in 2060, and honestly, it is pretty scary. The article talks about what will happen environmentally, socially, and physically to us all, even if we only reach 2 degrees of warming. Let’s be honest; it does not look good! 

While reading articles like this (and I strongly encourage you to read it) can sometimes be triggering for me, as eco-anxiety and eco-grief are real, it also can reinforce my commitment to this work. And the panacea for this, for me, is to think about all of you–the network SWR works with; the partners, supporters and funders; the incredible volunteer and staff team; the board of directors; and the commitment of all these people and organizations.

This work matters now and for the future. The sometimes difficult conversations that you have with your co-workers, family and friends–they matter. Collaborations, learning, measurement, targets, actions in the SWR network between all our partners–they matter. How you vote and choose to spend your resources – both time and money – matters. Thank you for all of these. 

The article ends on a hopeful note. For me, the hopeful note is all of you. 

Thank you for your time, your actions, your commitment to measurable change, and for bringing your talent to the work we do. It matters so much.

