
TravelWise is a program of the Region of Waterloo and is delivered through a partnership with Sustainable Waterloo Region. TravelWise offers member organizations tools and services to help employees find innovative and sustainable transportation options that reduce the number of people driving alone on our roads. This is important now more than ever given that transportation accounts for 49% of greenhouse gas emissions in Waterloo Region. 

Each year, we recognize member organizations that have gone above and beyond achieving their sustainability goals. Though we have previously celebrated award winners in person at an Evening of Recognition event, this year we took our celebrations to the airwaves, announcing our winners on 570 News.

“All of us at SWR send out the heartiest congratulations to all the TravelWise award winners. The work they do, their commitment to their teams, and their important sustainability leadership in the area of transportation are inspiring and what we need as we work to build back better. Thank you to all TravelWise members for being part of this incredible network”

Read on to hear more about the impressive accomplishments of this year’s award winners.

Leadership & Innovation + Most Active Member: Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada

This award recognizes an organization that has demonstrated a strong commitment and found creative solutions to encouraging sustainable transportation among their employees. This year’s award goes to Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC). TMMC has dedicated time and resources to help improve employees’ commutes, and has actively worked with TravelWise coordinators to share program services and information with teams across their facilities. In 2019, TMMC worked with GRT staff to implement the Route 72 Flex stop allowing employees to request transit to and from the gates on-site . TMMC has promoted TravelWise widely in the workplace. Their efforts include: participating in the 2019 Employee Travel Surveys, providing promotional displays through their buildings and featuring TravelWise and GRT at their annual open house attended by hundreds of employees.

“More accessibility for all our people will always help – changing to more of a mobility company than just a car company” – Miye Cox, Manager, Manufacturing at Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada

Rookie of the Year: Arctic Wolf Networks

This award recognizes the most active and engaged newest member of 2019. This year’s award goes to Arctic Wolf Networks for their enthusiastic involvement with promoting sustainable transportation. Arctic Wolf Networks hosted their first TravelWise on-site event two weeks after joining TravelWise! Since Bike Month, Arctic Wolf Networks hosted a Transit Showcase and Employee Travel Survey Event. Arctic Wolf Networks has promoted TravelWise efficiently with an increase in Corporate Pass requests and use of GoTravelWise.ca.

“The cost [of a TravelWise Membership] versus the benefit to the employees was a no brainer to me” – Dinah Davis,  Vice President of R&D at Arctic Wolf Networks 

Sustainable Commuting: Rogers Communications

This award recognizes an organization where employees have demonstrated sustainable commuting behaviours. This year’s award goes to Rogers Communications for their commitment to sustainable transportation. Rogers Communications has been a member of TravelWise since 2013, and its ongoing promotion of TravelWise has enabled its employees to make sustainable transportation the easy choice for their commute. More than 50% of Rogers Communication employees work within 500 metres of ION or GRT Route, and many of these employees take advantage of the TravelWise Corporate Pass program thanks to Rogers active participation in TravelWise events and promotions.

Call to Action: Rapid Re-Allocation of Road Space for Active Transportation to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sustainable transportation has made huge strides in the Waterloo Region, help continue this and provide your feedback for Regional Staff!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, traffic volumes on area municipality and Regional roads are approximately 33 per cent lower. Regional staff have received requests and proposals to consider a temporary reallocation of some road space on Regional roads to create temporary new facilities for active transportation, such as walking and cycling. This would allow for proper physical distancing on busy sidewalks and continue through the summer to October 2020.