
Driving sustainability forward, whether it is through at events, attracting members, or supporting our shared direction … that is Elizabeth Wong (Liz Wong as we all call her – both names of course).

Liz is another very long standing volunteer with SWR (she has been here longer than I have). She has worked in the events team, and now is the Business Development Manager. In her current role she supports her team in their efforts to find other organizations that are interested in engaging in our network and reaping the benefits of organizational sustainability. In each of her roles Liz has excelled, supporting our members, her team, our organization, and all those around her. 

But here is the magic of Liz Wong. She is an amazing combination of supportive, practical, and committed team member. Liz brings her commitment to the organization and sustainability to her roles, but is a plain speaker. Liz is strong in her convictions and so smart. She not only considers the needs of her functional area, but of the whole organization and is willing to call a spade a spade. This incredible combination helps SWR to mitigate risk, and continually improve to serve members better.  

Liz is also just a wonderful person. It is rare indeed when someone you work with not only supports you professionally but also personally and ties together the whole person in that relationship. Liz is often the first to ask how someone is doing, how she can help, and what they need. 

On top of all of this, I am honoured to call Liz friend. Sometimes the role of Executive Director is stressful, and lonely, but Liz is an incredible support, kind shoulder and willing ear. And I am so grateful for her participation, and cherish the time that we carve out to chat, be it business or pleasure. 

Thanks Liz for your time, for your commitment, for your support and all the ways you make SWR better!