Juan Sotés joined SWR in 2016 as a Local Policy Researcher on the ClimateActionWR team. Juan recently moved to Canada, and he quickly looked for an organization where he could meet others who share his passion for climate change. Luckily for us, SWR fit the bill and provided Juan with the perfect opportunity to learn about Canadian climate policies and hone his researching skills. Juan recognizes that climate change is one of the most important problems that society faces this century, so he enjoys being a part of an organization that is working towards a solution. Outside of SWR, Juan enjoys traveling and exploring Canada with his partner. He has a wide range of hobbies including playing handball, playing guitar, and meeting new people from around the world. As ClimateActionWR’s Local Policy Researcher, Juan keeps an eye on local and national policy discussions and keeps track of their impact on the carbon footprint in the Waterloo Region. Recently, he spearheaded the release of our December edition of the Policy Digest, a monthly newsletter that shares policy news in bite-size pieces alongside their implications to the community’s carbon footprint. From identifying key topics, creating and editing the content and designing the newsletter, he did it all last month! Juan’s smile and enthusiasm keeps us in good spirits and we are glad to have him on the team.