I am back to riding the bus to go to work. It is such a convenient commute and provides me with a bit of exercise, especially when I am late and running to catch the GRT bus. The GRT Easy GO app is important during winter so that I arrive at my bus stop just a few minutes before the bus arrives. When I was still working in Tokyo, I rode my bike and took the subway to go to work. It was the best way to commute around the city and it kept me really fit.
My bus commute is about 15 minutes longer than driving, but I enjoy it better because I can just relax on the bus on my way to work. I also don’t have to face the traffic and then find parking. I think it’s great when passengers find time to say thanks to the driver. I keep the practice of doing the same as I really appreciate the experience and the benefits since rediscovering transit.
– Arcy Canumay