
Welcome to the November Community Update! I love that this newsletter is called the COMMUNITY update. I really feel like we are a community, working together to affect change in Waterloo Region.

In the coming month the community will be hosting a few events, including one for TravelWise on the 26th and the Untapped Resources for Sustainability event on December 4th. Read on to learn more.

We are also really excited to share some of 2014-2015 event sponsors. If your organization is interested in financially contributing to environmental sustainability in our region, we would love to hear from you. Finally there have been some fun and exciting events at SWR including one hosted by the ClimateAction team, my first date with an EV, and the selection of ClimateActionWR Leadership Committee! Thanks for reading on, thanks for your support, and thank you for promoting sustainability in Waterloo Region.

Click here to read more on these and other updates.