
On Tuesday October 14, we got together with a number of other environmentally focused not-for-profits to host an election event that focused on sustainability. This event brought together over 40 candidates from across Waterloo Region to talk about their stance on environmental issues and connect with residents who are concerned with the same issues.

We heard at the event how refreshing it was to see organizations collaborating on an event like this. It really was a collaborative effort and a hearty thank you is extended to the other organizing groups including:

A big thank you to all the candidates that chose to prioritize our event during a busy campaign. You have shown us that the environment matters to you.

WalterFedy provided us with a beautiful space to host this event. Thank you so much for your continued and unwavering commitment to the environment and the groups that work to sustainability in Waterloo Region.

Finally thank you to all the residents that came out to learn more about the candidates. We encourage every voter to look into their candidate of choice’s position on the local environment. We at Sustainable Waterloo Region have learned that real, meaningful change can happen at the local level. So ask those hard questions about the environment when that knock comes at your door, then get out there and vote for those that share our commitment and values!
