
A glass of wine on a St Jacobs patio, with the company of our sponsors – what a wonderful way to finish our 2012/2013 events season this June!

Now, only a month after thanking our previous season sponsors, I am thrilled to share that three of these organizations have already indicated that they will be joining us in September as sponsors for our 2013/2014 Regional Carbon Initiative (RCI) events season: the Wilfrid Laurier University P&G Centre for Business Sustainability, BlackBerry and Crawford & Company.

What excites me most about our sponsoring organizations for RCI events is that they are not acting as sponsors simply to support our nine events, but instead are doing so to align their brands with environmental sustainability, to act as leaders within the local sustainability network, and to be a part of the wonderful action that is taking place in our community.

The WLU P&G Centre for Business Sustainability’s connection with Sustainable Waterloo Region goes back to our beginning moments with mentorship and its role as one of six Founding Partners in 2009. The centre was then quick to see the value of joining us as a sponsor for our first RCI event season, making this year its fifth season acting as a Presenting Sponsor! Each season I am thrilled to see the passionate faculty and students who represent the centre at our educational forums.

BlackBerry is similarly entering its fifth year of sponsorship, acting as an RCI event season Supporting Sponsor. As a leader within our community, it is always wonderful to have BlackBerry representatives join us to learn about best practices in environmental sustainability.

Crawford & Company is one of our newest sponsors, having just upgraded from a Contributing Sponsor last season to a Supporting Sponsor for this coming season. An ongoing participant in the sustainability network, Crawford also recently took further action, becoming a Regional Carbon Initiative Bronze Pledging Partner, by making a 20% greenhouse gas reduction commitment.

With each new sponsor that joins us, new stories and connections such as these continue to evolve, particularly as the network continues to grow.

For those interested in exploring how their organization can better connect within this network, a variety of sponsorship opportunities are still available. I look forward to welcoming both old and new sponsors alike before August 16th!
